Linggo, Pebrero 3, 2013

I'm back! Celebrating Jakob's 2nd month with LEMON SHRIMP SCAMPI

I'm back! (Insert head twirl ala KC here =)). Oh yes, I am back! Although, I am not sure if I can really suffice you guys with daily food posts like before. I shall try my best! Anyway, this new post is proof that I have not totally forgotten my beloved food blog. I honestly thought I can easily get back to blogging as soon as I give birth; but being pregnant and being a new "Nanay" (Momma) is two totally different things. The latter, being more challenging than I thought.

For the past months, the only "food" I am constantly providing is breast milk for my little one. (Oh yes, I am a proud momma! "Breast is best!"). Being a breastfeeding Mom, it's harder to juggle dental work, mommy & wife duties and kitchen tasks. And so the menu that I should create for the day should be easy, fast and most importantly healthy and still yummy.

I am back in the kitchen this time to whip up a simple dish to celebrate my son's 2nd month. It's not really my thing to celebrate "monthly", but I was told that since Jakob's arrival was a "challenging" one (long story! I gave birth via CS, plus he's a preemie.), I should at least make a thanks giving meal. Also, its my chance to make up for wife duties too. His "Tatay" (Dad) came over yesterday to help me prepare his baptism. I am still in the metro with Jakob since he still can't travel, while Cy is in Narnia for most of the time for work; and he only comes over during Sundays if his work permits. So I really have to make the most of this rare Sundays.

I decided to make Lemon Shrimp Scampi in Angel Hair Pasta; a noodle dish to signify longevity. Cy have been requesting this dish since he tried it in Stacy's during Clair's (my niece) 1st birthday party. Here's me trying my best to get the same taste and experience again for him.

So here it goes:

Ingredients you'll need: (good for 4-5 servings)

1/2 kg of shrimp; peeled and deveined
Half a stick of butter plus 2 tbsp
Angel hair pasta / Cannelini
1 small onion; finely minced
4 cloves of garlic; grated or finely minced
2 lemons; 1 1/2 juiced, keep the half for garnish
drizzles of extra virgin olive oil
grated parmesan cheese
2 tbsp of finely chopped parsley
a handful of basil leaves
salt  and pepper
chili flakes
barbecue seasoning
1 tbsp worcesterchire sauce


1. In a small bowl, prepare the "marinate". Juice 1 1/2 lemons which makes about 1/4 cup; finely chopped parsley to make 2 tbsp., and grate 2 cloves of garlic. Mix well to combine and season with salt, pepper and barbecue seasoning.

(tip: to easily juice your lemons, roll 'em good prior to juicing)

2. In a small pot under low heat, melt 1/2 stick of butter, toss the "marinate" and add a tbsp. of worcesterchire sauce. Once thoroughly mixed, remove from heat.

3. Place the shrimps in a shallow dish and pour in the butter sauce once it has been cooled a little bit. Set aside.

4. Cook the cannelini/ angel hair pasta in a generously salted pot of boiling water until al dente. Once cooked, drizzle with olive oil and toss well to combine to avoid the pasta from sticking together.

5. Prepare another pan and place it over medium heat. Drizzle it with olive oil then pour in the shrimp mixture.

5. Season with chili flakes according to your taste and cook just until shrimps turn orange. Once cooked, get the shrimps, and set aside.

6. In the same pan, add 2 tbsp of butter; saute onion and 2 cloves of minced garlic. (tip: You can add in more garlic if you really like it garlicky.)

7. Once the aromatics are fragrant, toss in the pasta. Season with salt and pepper. Add dashes of chili flakes if desired. Toss everything well.

8. Remove from heat and season with grated parmesan cheese according to your taste; add a handful of basil leaves.

9. Finish!!! Place it in a serving dish and place the shrimps on top. Garnish with lemon wedges. Serve it with parmesan cheese on the side. 

Yummy! Oh how I missed cooking! And blogging! =)

My husband (my official taster who has a non-sense, no frill commentary on judging my cooking) says he really liked this dish. And although its not exactly like the one in Stacy's, the experience is none the less satisfying and even better. =) Yay for me!

A lot of things have changed since I gave birth. I could not even remember the last time I was inside a movie house, in a salon or in a day out with a group of friends. But I am not exactly complaining. It's my choice to invest almost all of my time now with Jakob; because he won't be a baby forever, and I a new mother. I just could not let this moment pass by without me savoring each second of it. Oh what a joy it is to be a new Momma, it is tiring but fulfilling. =)

I can't wait for Jakob to be able to taste the food I cook and tell me himself he enjoyed it. It will be probably one of the best feelings ever. For now, I would have to content my self with "Mr. Barako's" (my nick for hime)  rewarding smile after each nursing. =) 

Happy Eating! =)

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