Miyerkules, Abril 4, 2012

NAKJI BOKKEUM (Stir fried Spicy Octopus)

In preparation for the holy week, my husband and I did some last minute shopping at the fresh market a while ago and aside from our usual shrimps, fish, and mussels that’s included in the holy week menu; we bought something different: a baby Octopus. He immediately had his eye on those fresh baby octopuses and immediately bought one; and requested me to make them into something spicy and Korean like the taste of Dakkagjung that I usually make for him. I agreed, but with a little hesitation. 

You see, I am not that into octopus or squid; because I rarely get to eat tender ones! And the worst food for me is a rubbery octopus which can make you have some TMJ dysfunction! But I was up for the challenge and made it into: NAKJI BOKKEUM: Spicy Octopus Stir fry.

If you can’t find baby octopus and want an easy Spicy Squid Stir fry instead, here's the delicious recipe from Maangchi:  Ojinguh-bokkeum.

Now, back to the Baby Octopus. Here's how I exactly did it: (good for 2 servings)

 Get yourself about 200-250 grams of Baby Octopus and remove its ink sacs and innards.

 Rub it vigorously with some flour; then wash it with water about 2-3 times until all flour has been removed.

  Have a pot with some boiling water and blanch the octopus for about 20 seconds only. It is important not to overcook the octopus for it to remain tender.


Slice into bite size pieces. Set aside.

 Make the “spicy sauce” for the stir fry by combining the following in a bowl:

- 1 tbsp corn syrup
- 1 tbsp sugar
- 2 tbsp chili pepper flakes
- 1 tbsp chili pepper paste (Korean: Go-Chu-Jang)
- 2 tbsp water
- 2 tbsp rice wine
- 1/2 tbsp soy sauce
- 1/2 tbsp minced garlic

       Mix it good then add in the sliced octopus and combine well using your hand. Make sure to put on some gloves while doing so to avoid irritating your skin with the hot pepper flakes.

    Prepare the vegetables and sliced about 1 medium white onion, 1 stalk green onion, half of a medium sized carrot, 1 green finger chilli, and 2 cloves of garlic. Also prepare about 1 tsp of minced garlic.

     Heat the pan and add about a tbsp of vegetable oil and fry the garlic until fragrant. Stir in the onion and carrot.

      Follow it with the seasoned octopus. Add in the green finger chili, sliced green onions, and minced garlic. Stir fry for about a minute or just until everything’s cooked through.

         Have yourself some taste, if it’s too spicy for your taste; add about a tbsp more of sugar; add in some toasted sesame seeds.

 Remove from heat and serve along some hot rice. This is also great as “pulutan”/ beer accompaniment if only it isn't Holy Week.

My husband enjoyed this, and I, surprisingly did too. There were a lot of tender parts, especially the tentacles but the part near its head can be a little chewy. Maybe I need to slice it more thinly next time? =)

Tip: In the rare times that I  have prepared squid or octopus, I have learned that the shorter time you cook it, the tenderer it will be.

Happy Eating! =)

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